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What are ( Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ) Careers for students.

Languages are the best way to connect people to other countries of the world according to estimated more than 6000 languages have spoken in this world. Many scholars believed that spoke multiple languages in the present century is a symbol of your knowledge and well information regarding cultures and historic about other countries. Through multiple linguistics, you can break all the barriers that are coming in the way of learning language terminology, development and understanding about a certain region of the world.

What are ( Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ) Careers for students.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

The English languages is second language in most countries and the most commonly spoken language of the world. Day by day, its importance has been growing and for a successful career, we cannot ignore its importance.

MA degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages provide with practical and broad concepts about the related field. This degree is categorical focusing on the particular areas of the

TESOL including English for academic purposes,

English for writing purposes,

English language teaching methodologies

and assessment about well speaking English. In some modules in this degree, we will also explore the advanced levels of TESOL such as Analyzing Language, Developing as an English Language Teacher, and Elt Methodologies.

Career Prospects:

For career prospects, this degree was always Students priority because after completed this degree from an excellent international university would provide me with a better understanding about this field. This degree from a career point of view will be proved very fruitful to me because after done this degree we can join multiple careers pathways such as a teacher, educators teacher and language researchers in the universities And private language centers.


We have a firm belief that this Master’s degree will not fulfil only dreams but it has given us some extra milestone about Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages discipline.


TESOL stand for?

Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages

Is TESOL better than TEFL?

TESOL is better than TEFL because through it you can get jobs in English speaking countries.

How much does TESOL course cost?

It is starting from 200 dollars approximately

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