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What is Duolingo test & UK universities accepted this test?

What is Duolingo Test?

The Duolingo English Test (DET) is an online English language proficiency test developed by Duolingo, the popular language-learning platform. It is designed to assess a person's ability to understand and communicate effectively in English. The test evaluates reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, providing an overall picture of an individual's English language proficiency.

universities in the UK that are accepted the Duolingo English Test.

What is Duolingo Test Format for students:

Online Format: The test is taken entirely online, allowing test takers to complete it from any location with an internet connection.

Convenience: Test takers have the flexibility to choose when and where they take the test, making it a convenient option for those who may not have access to traditional in-person testing centers.

The test is divided into different sections, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Each section assesses specific language skills.

Adaptive Testing:
The test adapts to the test taker's skill level as they progress through the exam. The difficulty of the questions may change based on the test taker's responses.

Speaking Section: The speaking section involves recording spoken responses to prompts, allowing the test to evaluate pronunciation, fluency, and spoken communication skills.

Quick Results:
Test takers usually receive their scores within a short period after completing the test, often within a couple of days.

Accepted by Institutions:
Many educational institutions, including universities and colleges, accept the Duolingo English Test as a measure of English language proficiency for admissions purposes. However, the recognition and acceptance of the test may vary by institution.

Validity: Test scores are generally valid for a certain period, often up to two years, depending on the policies of the institution you're applying to.

There is a fee associated with taking the Duolingo English Test. The cost may vary based on your location.

Points of Duolingo Test for International students:

The Duolingo English Test (DET) is scored on a scale of 10 to 160 points. Each section of the test (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) is scored separately, and the scores are then combined to give you a total score.

Here's a breakdown of the scoring range for each section:

Reading: Score Range: 5 to 45 points

Writing: Score Range: 5 to 45 points

Listening: Score Range: 5 to 45 point

Speaking: Score Range: 10 to 60 points

Duolingo Accepted Universities in UK:

Here are a few universities in the UK that are accepted the Duolingo English Test.

University of Bristol
University of Glasgow
University of Aberdeen
University of Dundee
University of Kent
Aberystwyth University
Anglia Ruskin University
Brunel University London
Coventry University
De Montfort University and other Universities.


The Duolingo English Test aims to provide an alternative and accessible option for individuals to demonstrate their English language skills for academic or professional purposes. If you are considering taking the Duolingo English Test, it's important to research and confirm whether the institutions you are applying to accept this test and if it meets their English language proficiency requirements. 

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